With Ruptures We are Wounded

Through Connection We are Healed

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“The Golden Whole”

To the best of my memory,

I was there — lucky, swaying, open-hearted.

I saw them all —

the ones who stole from me,

who hurt me,

who buried seeds of pain.

But I knew,

deep inside,

that my path to salvation

was not paved in vengeance,

but in forgiveness.

One by one,

and then all at once —

as a golden whole —

I let them go.

I saw not monsters,

but broken mirrors.

Victims of patterns,

echoes of their own pain.

And I felt sorrow

instead of rage.

Because anger does not serve me.

It poisons the well

of my spirit.

It cages my joy.

So I forgave —

not because they earned it,

but because I am worthy

of freedom.

And in that letting go,

the evil lost its grip.

The weight lifted.

I became lighter,




I walk toward God —

not as a victim,

but as one who chose

compassion over chains,

and love over fear.

- MT